Kindergarten Orientation (virtual) via Zoom on Wednesday, 9/6 from 11:00 AM-12:00 PM. https://zoom.us/j/97064289206?pwd=YzZKU0k0M2F4SzQ2Z0dGWHJwRGl6QT09
Meeting ID: 970 6428 9206
Passcode: 281098
Grade 6 Orientation (virtual) via Zoom on Wednesday, 9/6 from 1:00-2:00 PM. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 985 1643 2496
Passcode: 423401
Thursday, 9/7
Kindergarten students enter at 8:30 AM through Entrance #10 on 14th Avenue. One parent/ guardian may enter the multi-purpose room with their child. There will be a welcome session followed by a short visit to the classroom. K-1 (Mancini) and K-2 (Bambina/Argiropoulos) will be dismissed at 2:10 PM from Exit #2. K-3 (Carroll), K-4 (Kelley) and K-5 (Wang) will be dismissed at 2:10 PM from Exit #3.
Friday, 9/8
Kindergarten students enter at 8:30 AM through Entrance #10 on 14th Avenue and are dismissed at 2:10 PM. One parent/guardian may enter the multi-purpose room with their child and is welcome to accompany the child to the classroom door (if needed).
As of Monday, 9/11/2023
The kindergarten day will be from 8:00 AM - 2:10 PM. Students will be dropped off by parent/guardian at Entrance #10 (14th Avenue). Doors open at 7:45 AM for early drop-off.
A grab & go breakfast will be available for students each morning.
Half-Days for Pre-K Students
9/7/23 and 9/8/23 Schedule: Last Names A – M 9:30 – 11:00 AM
Last Names N – Z 12:00 – 1:30 PM
9/11/23 Schedule: ALL Pre-K Students 9:00 – 11:00 AM
Pre-K enters and exits through the Main Entrance/Exit #1 (on Bay 7th Street).