National Junior Honor Society
P.S./I.S. 229 N.J.H.S. Program Expectations
September 2024
Dear Parent/ Guardian:
Please be advised, that in order for your child to attain National Junior Honor Society induction, there are qualifications they must meet. Review the mandatory criteria below for students in grades 6-8:
Overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 92 and above for each marking period.
No grade below 85 in any subject.
Students must have satisfactory behavior or higher in every class.
No conduct grade of an “N” or “U” in any subject or category.
Must maintain 95% satisfactory attendance and punctuality each marking period. NOTE: Excessive absences or lateness will negatively impact the overall grade and class placement.
Must score a Level of 3.0 or higher on both the NYS ELA & Math Exams each year.
15 Hour of community service needs to be documented.
In order to obtain induction into NJHS for the current school year and to keep minimum eligibility for the following school year, you must fulfill the requirements listed above. The school administration has the discretion to remove students from applying to NJHS due to the student’s behavior, academic progress, or attendance. Further information will be given to students after the first report card on 12/6/24.
In addition, NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) is a direct form of communication being used at P.S./I.S. 229 for parents about student progress. Parents and students are expected to monitor their NYCSA account consistently. Maintaining an open line of communication is essential to the success of your child this year. For additional information, please review the Student Family Handbook which can be found on our school website 229k.org.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Sherman Dean/ NJHS Advisor (msherma5@schools.nyc.gov)
Mr. M. Sherman
Dean/Senior Advisor/NJHS Advisor